30 Days of Biking 2014 – Day 2

Missed out on our morning miles due to skipping preschool. Elementary school is only two blocks away so we hoofed it, but eventually I loaded up the cutter and the longboards and took to the streets.

Longboards on longtail

We hit a grocery store and then impulsively decided to check out Motion Boardshop to see about little longboards. Great place!

At Motion Boardshop

My plan was to route check for the upcoming April 19th Critical Lass ride, but when we got to Greenwood Park we realized how cool it was and just stayed to play. Another 11 miles missed!

Greenwood Park

After a while we headed over to G&O Family Cyclery. Now the original plan was to fetch my friend Sara’s EdgeRunner on the way up from preschool, but she ended up walking it over to the shop earlier in the day. Missed out cargo! But she made up for it by letting me bring her husband’s broken Brompton in. My son opted to stay at the train table and after I unloaded kid seat, groceries, and longboards, I had quite the empty bike! And then just the little Brompton on the way back:

Brompton on board

With Bromptons on the brain, we test rode G&O’s demo Brompton with Pere kid seat. Very fun!

Brompton test ride

And in a repeat of last year’s 30 Days of Biking meets 30 Days of Scootering, we hung out with Kent Peterson at the shop. That’s why I brought the skateboards along, by the way–I thought maybe we’d go for a roll. No group roll, but here’s Kent’s scooter, my bike, the Brompton, and my skate. Friends!

Hanging with Kent and his scooter

Then we had to rush back to Wallingford for 3:30 school release. We’d gone all day without meeting any dogs and I was beginning to rethink my dog tallying when we saw the most adorable puppy. We had to wait our turn because two other random people were already petting her. And then we met a darling pitbull on the Wallingford Greenway.

Today's dogs

I had hoped to drop the skateboards and groceries at home to make extra room on the bike, but the dog stops ate our extra time which meant I had to retrieve all this stuff from Julie of Wheelha.us with a half-full bike. Tandem trail-a-bike, two balance bikes, and Radio Flyer Scoot-About. And she had two kids on the bike!

Julie's bike delivery

I wasn’t quite so cool–I didn’t carry either kid. One walked and one rode a balance bike so I just had this lovely load:

My bike retrieval

Today’s miles: 12.1 miles
April cumulative: 31.8 miles

Bikes ridden: 2
April cumulative: 2

Dogs: 2
April cumulative: 6

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