Archive | May 2018

30 Days of Biking 2018: Day Thirty

It’s April! That means 30 Days of Biking and biking every day and hopefully blogging about it each day.

Last day of #30daysofbiking! I noticed I was sort of close to 600 miles for the month, but wasn’t motivated to do anything epic to commemorate the day, with the weather being icky and a writing deadline looming. So after bringing the kids to school and spending an hour making copies and hanging Walk & Bike to School Month tally sheets outside each classroom door, I made for a coffee shop with my laptop. I stopped by Trader Joe’s on my way home and saw a bike share bike locked to the rack. Pricey trip considering starting tomorrow bikes are free all month. Bike: Surly Big Dummy.

School pickup was the usual. Bike: Surly Big Dummy.

And lo and behold, despite not planning on anything special, I was honored with a last-minute guest spot on The Sprocket Podcast so I got to make one last biggish trip which pushed me over 600 miles (not that it’s about mileage). Bike: Surly Straggler.

Which got me wondering what sort of mileage I pulled over the last two 30 Days of Bikings:
2017: 258.6 miles
2016: 437.3 miles

Go figure. I had the feeling I bike more nowadays, both because Portland is flatter than Seattle and because I’m eager to explore all over the place. I imagine that will mellow out once I’ve seen everything…but maybe not! I guess I’ll find out in a year. It’s fun recording mileage every April, but I don’t tend to do so regularly otherwise. Last year using the battery-draining Ride Report app for Bike Everywhere Month was just too much for me and made me stop recording stuff all together once May was over. But for now, I’m going to try to keep at it (with a Garmin device I move from bike to bike that uploads to my Strava account) until it gets to be too much. Yay bikes!

April trips tracked on Strava
Today’s miles: 26.32
Total April miles: 601.92

30 Days of Biking 2018: Day Twenty-nine

It’s April! That means 30 Days of Biking and biking every day and hopefully blogging about it each day.

Disappointed by and rested up from the slow start yesterday, I did better today and did a quick fact-finding errand run for my latest BikePortland column, Nine ways to make this your best spring ever (my first listicle!). Bike: Surly Straggler.

Then the kids and I went to lunch at the Cartlandia food truck pod (food truck pods are so great for dining with kids, dogs, and bikes!) and check out a park as a possible bike camping meeting spot afterwards. Great park with play structure and potties, but no drinking fountain so I think it won’t work, bummer. Bike: Surly Big Dummy.

We had initially planned to go roller skating in the late afternoon, but the kids were worn out so I just did a quick errand in the neighborhood. Bike: All-City Nature Boy Disc.

I think this might be the only time I used three different bikes in one day, neat.

April trips tracked on Strava
Today’s miles: 20.57
Total April miles: 575.6